Land west of Davies Road, Moreton-in-Marsh
Type of development
Affordable housing, infill development, outline planning, reserved matters
Land west of Davies Road, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire
13 affordable homes on infill site
Cotswold District Council
Helix Group, Homes England and Cottsway Housing
Initially working for Homes England while in a previous role Rebecca secured outline consent for up to 15 new homes on the site.
Oriel Planning were then instructed by Homes England’s chosen delivery partner Helix (who were developing the site for Cottsway Homes) to secure reserved matters approval for a high quality sustainable affordable housing scheme. The affordable homes all include sustainable features such as air-source heating, solar roof panels, electric vehicle charging points and enhanced insulation.
We also provided engagement services on this project liaising with local people and used their feedback to refine the design prior to submission. Permission was secured in 2022 and the development is due to complete in Summer 2024.