Bridgewater House, Manchester

Type of development

Listed building, restoration and conversion, residential, city centre living


Bridgewater House, Great Jackson Street, Manchester


Restoration and conversion of Grade II listed building for a three storey apartment building to provide 53 new homes


Manchester City Council


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We secured planning permission and listed building consent for the restoration and conversion of the former Grade II Listed Bridgewater Canal Office Building for new build homes.

The abandoned building had fallen into a poor state of disrepair. We worked closely with the architect, heritage consultant and LPA officers to secure the future sustainable re-use of the building, while protecting and enhancing its special architectural and heritage significance.  This involved striking a careful balance between preserving the heritage significancy and the public benefits of the scheme, benefitting the local community through the rebuilding a sense of place and vibrancy in the wider area.  

Full planning and listed building consent was granted in February 2023.